On May 16 at the 2024 PQA Annul Meeting, Stephen Jones, VP Advanced Analytics, will join Sheila Botts, Regional Administrator, Clinical Pharmacy Services at Kaiser Permanente, Colorado and Vanessa Campbell, Director, Clinical Pharmacy at UPMC Health Plan to talk about unfavorable social-risk factors (SRF) and how they negatively impact medication adherence and health outcomes.

Working with our payer partners, RxAnte developed a supervised machine learning model to identify at-risk SRF cohorts. Tailored outreach was developed by our clients to identify and address barriers to medication adherence and other health behaviors.

Attendees will learn the impact of SRF on medication adherence and how to develop actionable outreach programs that can deliver better care to at-risk patients.

To learn more about RxAnte’s SRF Queue, go here.